Friday, December 21, 2012

Wise Action

When you pray, move your feet.

Winter Solstice

Dear friends,

I believe that it will only be the world "as we know it" that ends today.  My soul says this is a good thing, and that we all have an opportunity to yield into the change we want to see in the world, and thus become a part of it.  Yielding into this change may feel threatening to many of us because we know that we are risking becoming more than we already are - a positive identity crisis is still an identity crisis.  Trusting our own potential and the potential of others will be an essential personal practice during this time.  Let there be Love and Light for all creatures great and small.  Winter solstice/'end of times': I welcome you!


Friday, December 7, 2012

It Felt Love.

Did the rose
Ever open its heart

And give to this world
All it's

It felt the encouragement of light
Against its

We all remain



-- Hafiz