The other day, a stranger in my local grocery store approached me and announced that I was “born a queen, remain a queen, and will die a queen". I was surprised and confused, and I’m pretty sure I simply stared at him for 30-60 seconds before I decided he wasn’t dangerous or crazy. He then continued by telling me that he felt compelled to remind me of my own absolute Freedom. He told me that I needed to look up the definition of the word ‘sovereign’, and understand that it applied to me.
So I looked it up right then: "sovereign: one that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere".
He went on to tell me about his brother, a doctor, who went to medical school to learn how to help people heal themselves, and wound up working in a hospital where he saw 30-40 patients every day. And then there was this moment when his brother realized that this medical model wasn’t aligned with his values as a ‘healer’, and quit his job a few weeks later. Apparently, this man’s brother now feels that his soul is significantly more ‘free’. He concluded, “we don’t have to be any more bound up by things than we want to be. You can always choose to set the soul free when and if it demands this".
Curiously, less than 45 minutes before this strange interaction at the grocery store, a very wise friend of mine was attempting to share with me what he knew about the hero/heroine’s journey re: the soul’s liberation from self-imposed fundamentalism of any kind. In a different way, he was also encouraging me to remember my own ultimate freedom and sovereignty within the limited sphere of myself.
These two strong voices - both echoing the others’ message - got my attention. The Universe seemed to be gently encouraging me to consider (again) how the psychological prisons I often feel held within might be self-imposed constructions. Of course, the work of liberating ourselves from our habits of thought is no simple task, but I imagine it’s one that others might relate to, and figured I’d do my part in offering both solidarity and support to everyone else on the same journey toward true (shall we say, "inner"?) Freedom.
This is amazing! Sometimes a strangers' words are the most powerful! (and surprising...)