Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Imaginal Intelligence

Imagination is another one of those intelligences that gets so much praise in our early development before it becomes subjected to a full-fledged beating by the systems that value immediately tangible results.  Tragically, it's often our schools and workplaces that are the greatest adversaries of imaginal intelligence.  I say 'tragically' because after the age of 5, we will likely spend most of our waking hours in one of those two environments.  The great irony of all of this is that our schools and workplaces are set up in order to teach or facilitate ideas that have their origins in the genius of human imagination.  I might even argue that ALL great innovators, leaders, artists, and thinkers have been aided by the intelligence of their own imagination.

So here's a fun exercise for affirming the sacred intelligence our own imaginations:  IMAGINE a panel of your favorite geniuses (be they social, creative, spiritual, or scientific).  Seriously.

Now, look around at who has assembled and how they have assembled.  Are you indoors, out of doors, seated at a long or round table?  Or is a casual social gathering?  Really look and see who's there and how you are all interacting with each other.  Trust whatever arises.

And then start naming names.  Einstein?  Buddha?  Jesus?  Martin Luther King Jr?  William Shakespeare?  Justin Bieber?  Seriously.  This is personal and there's no right or wrong answer.  So simply name the crowd at your gathering by actually looking to see who's there.

Next, I want you to address one of them and ask them about the role imagination played in their life on Earth.  Ask the question sincerely, and then allow this imaginal figure to answer you just as sincerely.  Here's a tip:  it doesn't matter if you think you're making this all up in your imagination.  In fact, that's the whole point.

If you wind up enjoying yourself or gaining anything useful, feel free to ask other guests other questions about anything at all you've ever wanted to know!

I'll post the information I once gathered from my imaginal conversation with Rosa Parks soon!

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